Live streaming on social media or hosting your own private live stream for events greatly increases engagement and extends your reach. By live streaming, you not only make it easy for people unable to attend in person to participate, but you also open up the possibility of reaching new viewers. Let’s talk about live streaming benefits and live streaming tips for your organization.

What Is Live Streaming?

Simply put, live streaming is a way to broadcast video through the internet. It enables content creators to share their videos with a live audience in real time. In other words, you can watch a video as it happens without having to wait for it to be recorded and uploaded after the fact. This technology has revolutionized our ability to experience events as they happen, no matter where we are in the world.

How Does Live Streaming Work?

The technology behind live streaming isn’t as complicated as one might think. At its core, streams are simply videos sent from a camera connected to the internet via Wi-Fi or cellular data connection. The stream is then broadcasted on platforms like YouTube Live, Facebook Live, Instagram Live, Twitch TV, and more for anyone who wants to watch them. 

Most of these platforms also allow viewers to interact with each other during the stream by leaving comments or asking questions that get answered in real-time by the content creator or other viewers. This adds an extra layer of engagement with fans that would not be possible without live streaming technology.

There are two main ways to live stream: private networks and social media. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Private networks or CDN video streaming provide a more reliable and high-quality experience, but they can be expensive to set up and maintain.

Social media platforms are free to use but often lack the same quality and reliability. They also require that you have a large following or a considerable event marketing budget to take advantage of the potential reach.

Ultimately, the best way to live stream depends on your specific needs and budget. Live streaming companies offer both private network and social media solutions, so you can choose the option that best fits your needs. So whether you’re looking for quality or affordability, there’s a live-streaming solution that is right for you.

10 Reasons to Live Stream Your Event

video camera recording concert stage

Now let’s talk about some of the advantages and benefits of live streaming your organization’s events:

1) Reach a New Audience

By streaming your event, you can reach people who may not have been able to attend in person. This could be due to physical or financial limitations or simply because they don’t even know about your organization yet. Streaming your event allows you to tap into a new audience and increase your reach exponentially.

2) Increase Engagement

When an audience is watching a live stream, they tend to be more engaged than if they were just watching a prerecorded video. People love being able to interact during the event and ask questions in real-time, and have access to exclusive content that may not be available anywhere else.

3) Save Money

This live streaming tip might not surprise you, but it’s much cheaper than producing multiple copies of an event DVD or Blu-Ray discs and then distributing them worldwide. You will also save on travel costs since people can watch from anywhere worldwide without having to physically attend the event!

4) Make Lasting Connections

By allowing viewers to connect during the live stream and leave comments, you can create lasting connections between viewers, leading to increased engagement in future events!

5) Strengthen Your Brand

Broadcasting your events online helps strengthen your brand by showing potential customers that you are up-to-date with technology and have something exciting going on! It also gives viewers an insight into what makes your organization special and unique compared to others in its field!

6) Enhance Interactions

With live streaming, viewers can participate in conversations during the broadcast, which enhances interactions between presenters and their audience members, making it more interactive for everyone involved!

7) Get Instant Feedback

With traditional media, viewers would have no way of providing feedback until after they had watched it all, which means that any changes cannot be made quickly if needed during filming! However, live streaming viewers can provide instant feedback so any changes needed can be addressed immediately, which helps ensure better quality content for everyone involved!

8) Collect Data

By using analytics tools such as Google Analytics or Facebook Insights, you can collect useful data about who watched your live stream, including demographics such as age/gender/location, etc., when they watched it, how long they stayed tuned in, etc., so you can make better decisions about future events and target specific audiences more effectively!

9) Build Relationships

With open chat rooms during live streams, viewers are encouraged to talk with each other creating a sense of community among those watching, which helps build relationships between participants and encourages them to keep coming back for more!

10) Go Viral

If done correctly, live streams have the potential to go viral, meaning thousands of people could watch it within minutes, giving you exposure like never before!

Tips For Facebook Live

attendee video streaming conference to Facebook Live on their smartphone

If you’re planning to stream your event on Facebook Live, some tips and tricks can help make the process smoother. Here are just a few:

1) Use a Scheduling Tool

Scheduling ahead of time allows you to promote the event in advance and alerts help to ensure people know when it’s live! This can also help you manage the day’s agenda, speaker engagements and break out rooms.

2) Test Your Connection 

Before the event, test your streaming connection to ensure everything is working correctly. If possible, set up a dedicated ethernet line (DEL) to ensure that your internet is fast and stable.

3) Have a Plan 

Have a plan for what you want to cover during the live stream and make sure everyone involved understands it, so things run smoothly during your event. Discuss what you’ll do in the case of issues like a down internet connection, attendee login issues or poor video quality.

4) Engage With Viewers

Make sure to engage with your viewers as much as possible – answer any questions they have, and encourage them to comment and interact. This will help make the event more enjoyable for everyone involved!

5) Share It Afterward

After the live stream has finished, share it on other social media platforms, in email campaigns, on your website and any other digital marketing assets, so even more people can watch and benefit from it.

Put On A Better Live Streaming Event

Live streaming is becoming increasingly popular among organizations looking for ways to reach more people while engaging their existing audiences at deeper levels. There are many benefits associated with this method of broadcasting so organizations can target specific audiences more effectively in future events! Whether you use live streaming production companies or do it on your own, the possibilities are endless, so take advantage of this technology and get streaming today!

Do you need help with an upcoming live streaming event?

Then get in touch with Igigo Communications today. We’re the top live streaming service provider in Atlanta, serving clients around the world with flawless video delivery, full account management, temporary internet installation and so much more. We’ll help you take advantage of the many live streaming benefits for your upcoming event. To learn more about our production services, get in touch with our team today.